Yesterday was Jenna and I's day off. Each week every volunteer gets a day off. Our days off will be Saturdays, but for our first week, we got Sunday. So we went to the 10 am service at Watoto Church. It was packed, more packed than I even realized because they have an overflow section that I didn't even see until the service was over. It was nuts. We were shoulder to shoulder and soooo hot. Watoto Church was awesome though! The worship was great, and it was so good to
worship. The sermon was about character; that was good as well but both Jenna and I had a hard time following. It's an English speaking church, but when the pastor got talking really fast it was just too hard for us to understand. But during those times I found myself looking around and wondering how many of these people are Christians due to Watoto church. And how incredible God's plan is. I mean, He called these two Canadians to start a church in Kampala, Uganda and
it has grown immensely and saved so many lives, and then it started the children's villages and the baby home, and then Watoto Gulu (a children's village in Northern Uganda that caters to children who were abducted to be child soilders) and now they are in the begining stages in planting Watoto Churches in all of Africa. And I know the two founders, Bill and Marilyn Skinner, had NO IDEA what God had in store, all they had to do was listen and obey.
Listen and obey.
Anyways, after church, Jenna and I planned to walk to Garden City (a very westernized mall-ish place) to get lunch. On our walk there, we saw a cute little pizza place and decided to get lunch there instead. It was kind of confusing and frustrating, but we made it :) And it was good to have food that WASN'T rice or potatoes and meat. That is literally all we eat here. I've only been here a week and am so sick of the food. Our taxi driver, Robert, was asking us our favorite food, and we said "chocolate" jokingly, and then both decided either pizza or pasta. I asked him his favorite meal and he responded, "Rice, potatoes and meat" and I wanted to be like, "Surprise, surprise!!" Jenna and I think that that must be all he knows, he did say he had that every day. Another big
surprise. Jenna and I are the only ones at the guest house now, so Livingston (the cook) has been asking us what we want to eat for dinner. Tonight we are having spaghetti. I'm sure it's going to be great :)
But back to our day off, after lunch Jenna and I continued walking to Garden City, where Robert was meeting us. We came back to the guest house, and then walked to the Internet Cafe. Then we went to Ciao Ciao's, a gelatto place in an Italian supermarket. we got some gelatto, which was only 50 cents a scoop!! What a treat! Then we walked back home. And had fish and potatoes for dinner. It had some colorful veggies on top which was sooo good to see, and I ate them
all up! Not even thinking that I'm not supposed to be eating veggies that don't have a thick skin...
Needless to say, I was sick all night. Tossing and turning, I think I may have slept only an hour. I didn't go to "work" today. I just stayed here and slept. Jenna took my phone with her, so I had no idea what time it was nor did I have an alarm clock, so I literally just slept all day. I'm still feeling pretty lousy, but I'm going to go to the Baby Home tomorrow.
I've been moved to the Giraffe room. This is ages 6-9 months. I've only been there one day but I didn't like it as much as the Monkeys. But the same thing happened when I moved from the Zebras to the Monkeys. So I gotta give it at least another day.
We are having a hard time getting along with the volunteers our age here. They just seem really stuck up and self absorbed to us. I know that that sounds awful, and I'm really trying to approach them with a positive attitude. Other than that, things at the Baby Home are going WONDERFUL for me. I can't even really put into words how much I'm loving it, I wish I could. I just smile and sigh. Hahaha.