Last Monday, I returned home safe and sound. I apologize to my faithful readers (all 5 of you, haha) that it has been so long since I last updated.
On the Saturday before I left, 35 of the babies were dedicated at the evening Watoto Church service. I was so thrilled that I got to be a part of it before I left. I got to hold and pray over David. Patience was held by another volunteer, Bjorg, but they were right next to us. All the babies were dressed in really sharp outfits, they all looked so good!
My flights...could have been worse. And I made it home, so that's all that matters. Haha. After my early arrival, my family and I went out to lunch at none other but WENDY'S!! I had been craving a Wendy's taco salad. Mmm, mmm!
This past week has been tough for me. A lot of adjusting. It's a strange and not fun feeling when home feels like a foreign place. But I am making slow progress back to a form of my normal life. Thank you all for your support and prayers!!
If anyone wants to get together for coffee or something to hear about my trip I am MORE THAN HAPPY to share my pictures and stories. But beware, I do LOVE to talk about this place :)
I'm ready for some good Nancy-Katie time...THAT's for sure! I can't wait to hear ALL your stories, and I want you to tell me about every single picture! I missed you Nan!!!