So...I REALLY wanted to have a photo shoot with a little kiddo getting all sticky with a huge colorful lollipop for this week's topic of "sweet." But since I live on a college campus, even seeing a little one on campus is a treat. So I had to settle for the candy in my room.
But the pictures turned out really great. I love the bright colors!
And this next one won't scream sweet to any of you...but it does to me.
Every week, we have a mandatory Copeland staff meeting. We always start off with "professional development" which basically means someone is assigned to bring snack and an activity for the group.
This past Wednesday was our last staff meeting, and Ryan had professional development.
First, he went to Goodwill and bought us all a mug. Each mug described us in a certain mug was Christmassy because he said, "Christmas brings joy (especially to little ones) just like Nancy does!"
(The next part of the activity was based off of our community read for the semester, "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortenson. For those of you who have not read it, Greg Mortenson explains the Pakistani culture in regards to tea by saying, "We drink three cups of tea...the first you are a stranger, the second you become a friend, and the third, you join our family, and for our family we are prepared to do anything...")
So next, Ryan brings out these boxes of tea he brought. He said, "During training in August, it was like we were drinking our first cup of tea together. We were strangers. And then, through out the year, we were continually drinking our second cup of tea, slowly deepening our friendships. For our last staff meeting, I would like to drink our third cup of tea...making us family."
It was so sweet.
Lots of tears.
You capture-sweet