I want to learn cherish everything, in the here and now, just as much as I did while in Uganda. I want to remember all the little moments that pass by so quickly. I want to realize that my life is a story, which can be told beautifully. I'm hoping this blog will help me to do so.
So, what has happened since I last updated?
1. I have cried. And cried. And cried. And then I cried some more.I wish I could say that I came home from Uganda and just went back to my every-day normal life. But that trip, those children, those volunteers, those nannies, forever changed my life. I know that I will never be the same. I have ever-so-sloooowly come to the realization that I will never be "over it". I will never stop crying. My heart will never not be breaking or longing to go back to Uganda. Never. (Oh goodness, that's over-whelming)
To the most incredible guy. I don't believe in soul-mates and I understand that marriage will be work...but he's perfect for me. He's goofy. He's shy. He has dreams to do everything under the sun, the sky is the limit in his eyes. He's got the biggest heart for people. He loves me so much. Basically, he's wonderful.
Our wedding is coming quickly and we couldn't be more excited. But we are loving this stage of planning and preparing our hearts and minds.

3. I started (and have almost completed) my last year at Grand Valley.
I'm still an R.A. in a building of freshmen. The guys drive me absolutely crazy, but my floor of girls are spectacular. They even threw me a surprise bachelorette party (how cute is that?!)
I can't believe how quickly college has flown by. I know that I have learned a lot, but I still have times where I am sitting in class and just feel so stupid. But oh well.
4. I got my appendix taken out.
Haha, I don't even know why I bothered to include this. I have some ugly scars. One of which forever ruined my cute belly-button.
5. I fell in love with multiples.
Twinners. Triplets. The more the merrier.
I volunteer in the nursery at my church, and there are twin boys who are regular attenders in my room. Oh my, are they adorable!! They scream and cry...but if you can calm them down, they are just darling. They giggle at everything. And crawl like champs. My heart melts when I see them being carried up to my room.
I can't wait to be holding my little twinners from somewhere in Africa :) They probably aren't even alive yet...but I will love them. And I can't wait.
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