Life goes on.
Like it always does.
Regardless of what you want or intend to do.
So it is.
Last night, while hanging out with my husband's classmates, I heard someone ask the question, "If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?"
I sat there, wishing with all my heart that the question wouldn't make its way around the room to me. Because the tears are inevitable.
I hate that question.
Not because I don't know how to answer it, but because I know EXACTLY how to answer it. No hesitation. No time needed to think. I know where my heart is. Where I would go. And that question brings my mind right back to where my heart remains.
I remember sitting on that porch, rocking my little David to sleep. Crying. Praying. Wanting to never leave that moment. Trying so hard to burn into my brain every little detail so that I would never forget.
[please disregard what I adoringly call my "bad Uganda hair plus I probably haven't showered yet today" appearance]

But here I am. Life goes on.
I still wish that I never had to leave that moment.
That it could have lived on forever.
But it does, in a way. In my heart.
I know it's for the better.
That I left, that is.
At least, that's what I tell myself.
God's up to something, and someday, I'll know what that something is.
Also, this post would have probably been more upbeat and a little less repetitive of most of my other posts if I had my camera available. Hopefully I'll find it soon and be able to show you some new-found favorite places :)
beautifully said Nancy. Uganda hearts must beat to the same music, because I have thought exactly that same thing so many times.