Look what I finished today!! I'm not sure what sewing project this is, I've lost count. Wait, I just counted. This is the fourth one (out of six) that I've finished, two are still in the process [apron and button-up blouse, and let's be honest, that blouse is probably never gonna get finished, cause I really don't love it]

Ryan's Nana sent me a package with a pattern for this bag and fabric that she picked out special, just for me!! She's the sweetest Nana EVER!
It was super easy. But, I tried to make mine completely reversable (all the seams on the inside, between the lining and the outside fabric.) I had it mostly figured out after several mistakes, but there was still a seam that would be on the outside. So I got frustrated, took it all apart and then re-did it all. I made it much harder than it needed to be. Haha. From start to finish, I would say this bag would only take a couple of hours.
Super cute, right?
Speaking of super cute...
that is super cute. and she's your nana now too ;) and for some reason I have to post under anonymous (not sure why)-mom (in-law)