Sunday, July 29, 2012

film obsessed.

Ever since I got my Diana camera, I've thoroughly enjoyed non-digital photography. But newly developed is my COMPLETE AND UTTER OBSESSION with it.
I bought this book called, "Instant Love" and it is absolute perfection.
(I actually got it on sale at Urban Outfitters, and it was one of those "Suprise! It's actually cheaper than marked!" it was only like $5! Most definitely the best purchase I've made in a while.)
It's all about Polaroids. It gives you a bunch of information about all the different Polaroid cameras, tips on how to shoot great photos and more! I couldn't put it down, I was just drinking it all in and loving every second of it.
Which is how I fell in love with the Polaroid SX-70 Land Camera. Which also happened to be my birthday present from Rye-guy :) It's definitely one of the most beautiful things I have ever owned. But that's another post for another day.
Anyways, lately I've just been all about film. And browsing Lomography's website. And wanting to go on photo-walks every single night. I'm obsessed. No other way to describe it. It really should come as no surprise, considering I grew up in a home where several (and I mean several) pictures were taken on any remotely important occasion. My friends called my mom "the paparazzi." I believe one of Ryan's first memories of my mother is from when we were freshmen, at band camp, walking to the band camp dance together. We walked past my mom, who was completely focused on capturing the whole thing with her video camera. Then out of nowhere, she reaches her other hand above her head and snaps a picture at the same time. Hahaha. To me it was just another, "Oh mom!" moment, but all my new band friends thought it was the funniest thing they had ever seen.
And 2 of my 3 sisters also harbor a deep passion for photography.  I guess it was just instilled in us at a young age :)

So pardon my short hiatus from updating my blog, I've been busing drooling over cameras and films and accessories and learning new tips and tricks for shooting with film. You know, letting my planned posts continue to pile up.

Plus also, THE FREAKING OLYMPICS HAVE STARTED AND THERE IS LITTLE IN THE WORLD THAT I LOVE AS MUCH AS THE SUMMER OLYMPICS!! (Which was also instilled in me from my wonderful mother. It's not like we listened to the Olympic soundtrack all the time or anything. If you haven't met my mom...I'm basically her, just 20ish years younger.)


  1. Oh wow, you've been a posting fool and I've got to catch up! Yay!

    That book looks really cool and I love that Ryan got you a camera. Does that mean you'll be wanting film for future gifts? I can't believe I didn't think of film for Diana as a present. Darn.

    Olympics, yes! I had the music playing all day on Friday.

    1. Film would always be a great present!! But I loved what you got me!! Believe it or not...I didn't even have a pot scraper!!

  2. YOU GOT AN SX-70??????? JEALOUS! SO JEALOUS!!!!!!

  3. Since I was camping with G.mommy we were missing the Olympics and I suggested we listen to "Summon the Heroes" while she was stitching a quilt and I was putting a puzzle together and she said "you've got to be kidding" I wasn't!!! It was perfect :)
