Sunday, August 26, 2012

ten years in photos

10 years ago, Ryan and I met while in marching band at high school. We went to the band camp dance together, and slowed danced a whole foot and a half apart; Ryan was barely touching me with just the tips of fingers. Ryan was nervous, and shy. He actually wasn't even going to ask me, but our friends made him. We were all sitting at the picnic table together, in between practices, when they made him ask. We were opposite ends of the table, and I don't even think he made eye contact with me. Hahaha. We've been best friends ever since.
Join me for a trip down memory lane and look at some of pictures from our last ten years together!

Phew, I tried to scale back, but then I ended up just picking out so many that I loved or that had good memories behind them. And I didn't even bother with wedding or honeymoon pictures. Ya'll would be here forever!

Love you Rye, looking forward to the next 10 years with you!

Currently playing on the record player: "Best of the Doobie Brothers" (Another big thanks, Em! You picked out some good records!)


  1. Wow...thanks for the travel through time! I recognize most of them. So cute. I especially like the one of you washing Ryan's hair in our kitchen sink. Hahaha, those were the good ole' days! Loved seeing them all. Thanks for taking the time to post.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it, Mom! When I was working on it, I pictured you being the one to really look at each and every picture :)

  2. Dang that was probably my most favorite blog post ever! Love you guy and love you history.

    1. Wow, favorite ever?! I'll have to give myself a good ol' pat on the back for that one!

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE this post!!! LOVE you two!!! Also...I reeeeally enjoyed the 10 year "Tour de Nancy's Hair". You are the QUEEN of hair variety...funny thing is, its ALWAYS cute!! Love you friends :)

    1. "Tour de Nancy's Hair" hahaha!! Love it! I actually enjoyed looking back at all my hairstyles as well, except it really made me want to cut my hair all off again! Shoot.

  4. My top 3 pics are (in no particular order)-the one of you,Ry,Aaron and Kristen, you and Ry w/the umbrella (prom) and you,Ry and Drake:). It was a really fun post!!

    1. You mean, you don't love the one from Freshmen year homecoming? The one where I'm shivering and Ryan is still rocking braces? :)
