Monday, July 5, 2010

i love you

I've been too busy with wedding jazz, that I just haven't wanted to update in a while. When I have a moment to just sit, I like to read or craft something. Anyways...I had to share this today cause it's too cute not to.

So last year, I was in Uganda from May 9-July something (I don't remember the day I came home as well) Since it's been a year, every day or so I read through my journals from those days so I can recall what I was doing on each day last year.
My entry from July 5th helped me recall a day when Patience was sick and David was frustrating me beyond belief. I think he was just jealous of all the attention Patience was getting. So while I was feeding him lunch, both of us acting childish and angry, he looks at me and says "I wuv you" Ahhhh, arrow through the heart. It definitely put into perspective how silly I was being by getting so frustrated with an adorable two-year old boy (it happens, I know). Anyways, from that moment on he would say 'I love you' a lot and I got it on tape one day.
Enjoy :)
And maybe begin to understand why my heart is where it is, I mean how can you NOT fall in love with that?!