Monday, November 28, 2011

flea market finds

I found an old frame at a flea market a few weeks ago, it was ugly. And I think Ryan and Beth and Scott thought I was nuts for wanting it.
But jokes on them cause look at the beautifulness I turned that sucker into!

An old frame turned chalkboard! An idea I got from pinterest.

We also got that old matches holder (turned chalk and eraser holder) at a flea market. Not sure if I'm gonna leave it like it is or paint it. I like the "MATCHES" written on it, but it's kinda rusty. Ugly rusty. Not pretty rusty.

I like to write nice things on it.
Such as, "All you need is love. And food. And water. And lots of other things." or "'I love The Smiths!' -Summer, 500 Days of Summer" or "Do FRIES come with that SHAKE?" Which may or may not be on there right now. Which also may or may not have been there when our favorite maintenance man came to fix our dishwasher. Aaaaand...he may or may not have asked me, "The real question is...What kinda shake you talkin' about?!"
He's awsome.

We also got some little trinkets to put in our letterpress tray.
(Which has found a home!! More on that to come later.)

Have no fear, I totally realize that it looks disgusting. My flash brings out the nasty! I promise it doesn't look that terrible. I spent a long time cleaning it out.

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