Thursday, July 28, 2011

stick with me.

Have I ever mentioned that I have the best in-laws ever? No really, I do. I'll fight you on it. And so will my Aunt, cause she thinks they're the best too. They are fantastic and I am seriously so blessed to have them as my "additional" Mom and Dad.
So anyways, I was all prepared to try and bribe my father-in-law to buy me a new laptop. Did you see that whole, "Buy a PC, get an X-box" deal? Yeah, well, you see my father-in-law has been practically bursting at the seams to get Ryan an X-box. [Boys and Call of Duty. Ugh.] So I saw that commercial, and the gears starting turning. We were talking on the phone a couple of days ago, and just as I was about to present my marvelous plan he's throws me this curve ball...
Dad: So, do you want my "old" computer? That one I practically just bought?
Me: YES! (In my squeaky-I'm-too-excited-to-talk voice)
Dad: Oh, and it has the latest and greatest version of photoshop on it.
Me: I love you.

So there you have it. Not only do I have the greatest in-laws ever, but I'm also abouts to have me a new laptop! Wooot woooot!
Stick with me guys. Just another month or two and I'll be back to regular really regular updates.  Ones with pictures and stuff. I can't wait.

In other news:
1. I finished my first roll of Diana film. Oooo. I'm so excited to get it developed! Aren't you excited to see the pictures? You better be. Or I'll punch you in the face.

2. I get yelled at at work everyday. You know what I got yelled at for today? Getting a customer red pepper flakes and garlic powder for his pizza. The stuff that he asked for. Specifically. You know what I got yelled at for a couple of days ago? Answering the phone. These people know how to run a business, let me tell you.
Also, I cried today because I realized I won't be able to quit as soon as I thought I would.
Sometimes life really sucks and you just want to kick in the shins and be like, "STUPID LIFE!" But you can't.
Cause life doesn't have shins.


  1. You really should have more readers on your blog because it is full of fabulousness, even the parts that are sucky for you come out entertaining.

    Booo on the pizza job! After you had been wanting a job for so long and thats what you got, phooey.

  2. Oh my gosh! Any chance Mr.Smith can give me a copy of photoshop? Cuz that would rock my socks off.
