Sunday, January 20, 2013

Roadtrippin' to California: Day 8

Writing from Grand Canyon, AZ tonight!
We've spent the last few days in Colorado visiting a childhood friend/former co-worker of Ryan's turned best friend of mine. It was GREAT to see her and her husband. She is one of the funniest people I know, so the last few days were filled with a lot of laughter and joy.

Annnnnd photo update from here on out.

Boring Kansas drive.
Garden of the gods, Colorado Springs CO
Penny Arcade, Manitou Springs CO

Hiking in Colorado Springs CO
Views from our drive today (Colorado Springs to Grand Canyon)
Four Corners Monument, where Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico meet.
My favorite stop so far!
"Elephant's Feet" AZ
We're having so much fun and still can't believe how cool it is that we get to do this!


  1. Such pretty pictures. I think I would have felt like I died and went to heaven in the penny arcade!! So much nostalgia. Love it.

  2. I'm so glad you get to do this too!! We love you both and are praying for you! You have a PA for a hubby-how cool is that???
