Tuesday, October 19, 2010

pumpkiny things

That new post I mentioned in my last post, the one that was still brewing in my mind? Well, it's still brewing.
[Kind of. It's more of a "I'm not so sure I want to share this" now than a "I don't know how to say this exactly"]

So...onto other things. This year, I am really loving fall. Normally, I hate this time of year. Sitting around, waiting ever-so-patiently for snow to cover the ground [except, it's really not so patiently]. And it just seems like it lasts for so long, for too long. But not this year. This year, I'm loving fall. [Which is sad, because I'm not in Michigan, the best state for fall!!]

Along with loving fall, has come the absolute obsession with pumpkiny things. Pumpkin lattes. Pumpkin cookies with cream cheese frosting. Pumpkin bread. Our latest creation?


We got an ice cream maker at our shower before we got married. This is our second creation with it. And it is FABULOUS! It's just vanilla based ice-cream with 3-4 teaspoons of pumpkin pie spice (nutmeg, cinnamon, clove, etc.) and crushed up cinnamon cookies.



  1. A picture!! Has the camera been located?! yay!!

    Now I'm all curious about your upcoming possible post. Don't let it eat away at you for too long

  2. I thought the exact same thing as Em. Did you find your camera??
