Monday, December 27, 2010

funny. in a not-that-funny kind of way.

Wanna know what's funny?
I write blog posts all the time.
But then I just never publish them.
Literally, if you could log onto my blogger account, and go to the "edit posts" would find countless unpublished posts.

Not-that-funny, huh?

I've been reading some blogs lately.
And by "reading" and "some" I mean, I found this blog that I adore and it has consumed all of my computer time for the past, oh I don't know..month or so? I went back to almost her first post (in 2008) and read it from there to present-day.

Reading her blog made me realize a couple different things.
1. I am kind of a downer. No, really (I know you all don't believe me.) I'm not sure when this occurred, because I'm pretty sure I used to be...I don't know, not a downer. But I decided I want to change that. So from here on out, I'm making a conscious effort to be more happy.
2. I am frumpy. And I've only been married for 4 months and I'm only 22. This is not okay. More to follow on this.
3  I need more light-hearted posts on my blog.

So here's to a non-frumpy, more up-beat and light hearted Nancy.
[here, here!]

And also....

My computer is sssllllooooowly dying, and it's to that point that I can't upload any recent pictures to it., here's Julie and I, 3 years ago, enjoying some chocolates. Hahaha. Hope you got to do something just as lovely for your 21st Ju!! Love you
(Please note my hair. Isn't it the coolest thing you've ever seen? Thought so.)

P.S. Remember that time that Ryan was sitting next to me on the couch and he gets up and says, "I'm going to put my computer away and then I'm coming back upstairs and we're gonna do something!" and then a half hour later I was still sitting up here alone? Probably because he's looking at guns online? Yeah, that was funny.

P.P.S Ryan finally came upstairs and I said, "Don't read my blog post." And he said, "Are you actually going to publish this one?" and then I laughed a little too hard.


  1. Hi Nancy,

    I have a couple things to tell you. Firstly, I have just entered blog world and YOUR blog is one of my favorites to read. Keep writing and keep publishing them! People like me enjoy hearing what you have to say. haha Also, I just really hope you and Ryan are doing well. Kev and I miss you!!!

    Much love! Meg

  2. (sorry to be leaving another comment. but i forgot to mention something else!)

    I have you to thank for sharing YOU CAPTURE! I saw it on your blog so now Kev and I are doing it and I love it!

    P.S. Why is Ryan looking at guns? ;)

  3. Hair- yes, awesome, I want it.

    Downer- no. Frumpy- probably only to yourself.

    Posts that don't get published? Never heard of such a thing. I would drive myself crazy!

  4. i commented on this, but i closed the tab before i typed in the security so...yeah. anyways, i wanted to say, thanks for the birthday wish! and also, where is that picture from? i dont remember.
