Saturday, July 14, 2012

better than thin mints

I've found a cookie better than thin mints.
I know. That's a blasphemous statement.
Had someone said that to me before I tried these bad boys, I would have sang the Revelation 21:8 song to them.
Oh, you mean you didn't go to an extremely conservative church that teaches you super inappropriate songs as a 6-year-old like my high school youth pastor's wife did?
Let me enlighten you, this is how the Revelations 21:8 song goes:

Revelations, Revelations,
Twenty one eight, twenty one eight,
Liars go to Hell! Liars go to Hell!
Burn, burn burn! Burn, burn burn!
(In the tune of "Frere Jacques" or "Are You Sleeping, Brother John?")
Such a great song to be teaching children in Sunday school, right? My goodness!
Annnyways. Back to the cookies.
Mint Oreo Fudge Creams.
Hello, I love you.
I really only bought them because they were on sale AND got me an extra ticket in the giveaway that our local-ish grocery store runs in the summertime. I'm a total sucker for that thing and it makes me spend a lot more money than I need to. I've temporarily banned myself from that store. Things were getting a little out of hand. BUT, I'm SO GLAD I BOUGHT THESE!
Both Ryan and I were like, "What the WWHHAAAAT?!" when we bit into our first one.
You could say it was love at first bite. Ahhahaha. I'm so funny.

Moral of the story, this should be your plan for the rest of today:
Get your butt to the store.
[If your store is Acme, you better be giving me your extra Sizzling Summer Giveaway ticket!]
Buy some Mint Oreo Fudge Creams.
Put them in your freezer.
Wait one hour (Painful, I know. Patience is a virtue, my friend. Embrace this opportunity to grow.)
Devour the entire tray in one sitting.
Send me a thank you card with $4 so I can buy myself another box.

Updated to add (thanks for the reminder, Mom!):
Currently playing on the record player: "Mary Poppins"
Hahaha. The 19-month-old boy I nanny loves our record player too, so I was playing some Mary Poppins for him when he was last here. And then I remembered that I really like the soundtrack, so I've left it on.


  1. I wonder if Grandpa would have liked them? What cha' listnin to? Missed your "currently listening to" wrap up :)

    1. Awww, I forgot about Grandpa's love for Oreos!! :)
      And thanks, I updated it to include that.

  2. I totally forgot about the Revelations 21:8 song! We used to sing that in the van on church trips! No wonder we never made any friends at those conferences! Ha ha ha! Also, I'll be picking up a package of these bad boys at the store today! Thanks for the heads up! They better not just be a Philly thing!

    1. You mean, you haven't been teaching that to Xavier?! Hahaha :)

      I don't think they're just a Philly thing. But if they are, then I'll just have to bring you a box with your Chick-fil-a on our next trip home!

  3. Yum- will keep an eye out for those bad boys.

    I've never heard that song. Is that an Amy song? Hilarious.
