Tuesday, July 3, 2012


So I finished one of my "crap from the streets" projects!
I turned [what I believe is] four of the shelves from one of these bad boys

A new headboard!!
It doesn't really fit into our room currently, but that's mostly because we have the ugliest nightstands known to man, with some almost-as-terrible lamps (they wouldn't be too bad with a makeover, but they just aren't our style), no decoration or artwork to speak of and the space is half our bedroom half Ryan's office. Our apartment may be a little small for us :) And I still have some tweaking to do, but I really love it, and when we have the money to make our bedroom what we want, it'll be just perfect :)

The words are from our first dance song, "The Way I Am" by Ingrid Michaelson.
Every time I see it, I'm brought back to that moment :)

I feel I should also note, I did this makeover sans pinterest.
(Well, I did pin a headboard from Ikea that I found while calculating how much a bedroom makeover would cost us, which I how I got the idea to make this into a headboard. But I don't think that counts.)
I have a very strong love-hate relationship with pinterest. It can be a great tool for inspiration. BUT I feel like everyone is just going to end up with all the same DIY stuff, the same outfits, the same hair, the same weddings.
And now there's all these crafting posers. Wolves in sheep clothing, I tell ya.
Plus also, I'm positive that for every great pin, there are 15 TERRIBLE ones. And I'm just like...what is the matter with you?

Currently playing on the record player: Journey, "Departure"


  1. totally agree with you on the love/hate relationship with pinterest. You should search "what the heck?" and look at the crap people have pinned. its pretty humorous. haha.

  2. Love, love, love your headboard. So personal and memorable. Love stuff like that. Too bad I have to get rid of most of mine but enjoyed it all while I had it. Also am really liking you new idea of "what's currently playing".....ahh....Journey.
