Wednesday, October 24, 2012

dance party courtesy of me

Whew. My mind is all things San Diego lately. Our big move is still months away, but still. We have so many decisions to make. It's consuming me. I'm already ready to just be there.
But to be fair, I was pretty much ready to be anywhere but here in December of's not really saying much.

Ryan and I like to have little dance parties. Sometimes I have dance parties alone. Sometimes Ryan has dance parties alone. Like the other day when I was sitting by the open window and just watched him bust a move for the longest time. I think he was asking me to come dance with him, but I couldn't hear anything. I mean, we live in center city right by a hospital, sitting by an open window is not exactly a "let's have a conversation right now!" kind of activity.

During my latest, solo-dance party, I realized I pretty much always rock out to J.Lo during my dance parties. Jennifer Freaking Lopez. Here's the thing. I don't even like Jennifer Lopez. Like at all. She's kind of a sleeze and she's been married like a ka-jallion times. But somehow, she's my go-to dance party music artist. What the heck?

But I gotta admit, the girl knows a good beat. Even if she's had more wedding rings than I've had brownies this week.
Oh. I practically ate an entire pan of brownies by myself this week. But in my defense, Ryan had 1 and a half. And it's only a 7x7'm not a super super fatty.

Moral of the story: next time you feel like dancing, just put on a little J.Lo and you'll be booty shakin' in no time.

Take my "she's kind of a sleeze" statement as a warning before watching these. I only include them for the music. Not the videos.


  1. I would be willing to pay cash for a video of Ryan "Busting a move"

    1. How much we talking here? $10,000? $15,000?
      I'm sure we could figure something out for that kind of money.

  2. I LOVE J-Lo.

    And I love dance parties. I'm excited to be real friends in California. Julie can be jealous all she wants.
