Thursday, April 22, 2010

Better than a Hallelujah

I've been listening to "Christian Radio" a lot lately. I used to hate Christian just seemed so cheesy. And now I'm that cheese-ball crying in the car next to you.

But really, I don't think it's so cheesy anymore. I get to worship for over 3 hours every time I go to work. It's absolutely wonderful! I mean, we were MADE TO WORSHIP. So it makes sense that I would enjoy it so much.

This is a new song by Amy Grant that I have been enjoying lately. It's called "Better than a Hallelujah." (You can hear it here, but feel free to ignore the awesome video)

A lot of times worship can be made into something so fake. Let's all stand. Clap our hands. Sing the song. You know? (Now, I'm NOT saying that standing and clapping during worship make it "fake"...that's not what I'm saying at all)

But you know, sometimes I just don't feel like standing and clapping and shouting, "Hallelujah!"
Sometimes, my broken heart gets the best of me.
Sometimes I'm just so miserable because my heart is half-way across the world and I'm here.
Sometimes I'm angry that God's plan doesn't have me going to Uganda anytime soon.
Sometimes, all I can do is cry.

And guess what? That's real.
And I think that's what God wants from us.
From the heart.

The honest cries of a breaking heart are better than a hallelujah.


  1. Love the song and your post. Very moving. Amy Grant will be at the DTE this summer with Micheal W. Smith.
