Saturday, April 10, 2010

Comfort. And then some other stuff.

I'm going to start participating in a weekly assignment called "You Capture".
A blogger started this to encourage others (but mainly herself) to get their camera out more often. So every week she posts a new subject that you have to capture. You are supposed to link to it once you have made your post, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for that commitment just yet. I mean, I just re-entered this world of blogging. Give me a break, right?!
So this week is kind of a "You capture practice round" for me. And then maybe next week I won't be a content-stealing thief and actually link to her blog.
[No one turn me in, alright?]

So this weeks topic was comfort.
What do I find comfort in?

A madcap mocha.
Sitting in the minimalistic cafe,
looking through the windows, at the city I love.

Warm-from-the-oven cookies and a cold glass of milk.

But mostly,
Knowing that in four months,
I will slip this on your finger and then
spend the rest of my life with you.

These pictures also track my day...

Ryan donated plasma this week, so that we could go on date [haha, you know you're in college when...] He took me to madcap, then to the Electric Cheetah for a late lunch/early dinner. We stopped at a store called "Coat of Many Colors" which was so cool. I'll admit, it's geared towards hipster/artsy-fartsy/hippies but still...I loved it.
And we bought something for our wedding there.
Not sure if I'm ready to share that detail yet. There are some things that I just don't want "revealed" until the big day. This may be one of those things (or not, haven't decided yet)

And then we went and saw "The Last Song". Which was pretty good. I didn't really love Miley Cyrus in it, but it was still pretty good [Mr. and Mrs. Smith, if you see this, bring kleenex. You will both need it]

I also got Ryan's ring today! I let him try it on and he didn't want to take it off. He said something really cute, but I won't embarrass him by publishing it here.
We still have to get it sized and brushed, but good to know he likes it already!

1 comment:

  1. Well Nan, you know I totally don't get the whole "don't turn you in statement"? Are you stealing? I don't get what is fradulent and what isn't on the www. I absolutely love that you are blogging again. Sounded like a fun date and I WOULD NOT share about what you purchased for your wedding. The more surprises the better. I know you weren't asking for my opinion but you also know that I like to give it :) My comfort food.....Marv's donuts, of course.

    love you,
