Wednesday, March 21, 2012

philly bucket list

While watching a show the other day, a character said, "There's only 52 Saturdays in a year!" And I suddenly realized...we have less than 52 weekends in Philadelphia. That's not very much. And we still had a bunch of stuff we wanted to do.

So we made a bucket list. A list of everything that we want to do...things that we would be sad about if we didn't do them before moving to Cali. Or Japan. Or Australia. (No, Ryan doesn't have his orders yet, but wishful thinking never hurt anyone.)

Here's our Philly Bucket List.
And here's to hoping we have enough time and money to check everything off and then some!

I also realized that I stopped doing our "What We Did in Philly" posts. Mostly because we were a little too poor to do "extra-curricular" stuff for a while there. But I'll be starting those posts back up with our Philly Bucket List.

Anyways, moving on...because this post is even boring me!
We actually checked something off our list last weekend...The Franklin Institute!

 Ryan gets discounted tickets through his school, so we bought some last spring. They sat in my paper organizer for so long, we just never found the time to go. Which is funny, because at that point we were still at our first apartment, so the Franklin Institute was literally in our front yard. No joke. Outside our window was their lunar lander.
See? That's our old apartment. I took this picture through an
exhibit, so don't mind the window. And fuzzy plastic case.
Also, the lunar lander is in front of those cars.
I'm not a liar. You just have to trust me.
Our tickets included admission to the IMAX as well, so we started the day out with "Coral Reef Adventures." A movie about...coral reefs. Reefs? Reeves? Keanu Reeves? No, it's reefs.
I kind of got a little dizzy at points, but it was still cool.

Then we walked through the museum. We both really liked it, there was a lot of hands on stuff to do, covering a variety of topics. We had a blast!
Part of the Machines in Motion exhibit
More Machines in Motion.
Shimmer wall. I kind of want one of my own.
I was most looking forward to walking through the big heart. It was a disappointment. And I was starting to get claustrophobic at the end. I was freaking out a little bit [err, a lot] on the inside. I was so happy when I saw the end. I was only moments away from screaming, "GET ME OUT OF HERE!" and running past the small child and his grandpa in front of us.
The only picture Ryan took of me.
I need to teach that boy how to use my camera.
(Maybe it's a guy thing; my dad couldn't take a clear
picture with it to save his life. Which is why I inherited it.)

Take that, Franklin Institute!


  1. Great list. I would have been exactly like you in wanting to get out of that heart. Oh my! Remember climbing St.Peters Tower in Munich? Those stairs and that staircase got to me. Please save "dessert at Parc" for my visit (hoping to get there sometime this summer)...but I guess don't hold your breath on that one. I really want to come but we will see how both our timing plays out.

  2. Melanie here! I enjoyed this piece, please email me--I have a question about your blog. MelanieLBowen[at]gmail[dot]com
