Monday, August 20, 2012

sad animals

I'm sure most of you heard, but our sweet little Drake got bit by a dog last night. It was mostly just an unfortunate mishap, stemming from a somewhat nervous dog and Drake scaring him while chasing after his ball. He spent 13 hours in the Emergency Vet room and got 4 stitches. He's already doing much better than he was this morning, but he's still just so pitiful.

Sorry little guy!
He has to wear a cone for the next two weeks. He's pretty pathetic with it. He crashes into stuff all the time, but then kind of just freezes. Not sure what to do. A lot of times he gets close enough to the wall to where the edge of the cone hits it, so then he freezes. Stuck staring at the wall. I call it his self-inflicted time out.
Time out near the TV stand
All this reminded me of a book I saw at Urban Outfitters once. It was called, "Feel Better Little Buddy: Animals With Casts." Clearly a book full of pitiful animals. I initially picked it up and thought, "What the heck?" But after just a few pages I was hooked.
Or Similarly, Perfect.
These are some of the best, as in, worst. Best because they are so so sad but still so stinking cute. It's unfortunate it works that way. They try to show the after pictures, so you don't have to feel so bad for being entertained by a hurt animal.

I also liked this little pup. But he's not pitiful. He's actually super happy about his stylin' cast.
This guy is lovin' life.
Then on "Talk Philly" today (a sad excuse for a mid-day news show) they showed this video and I about DIED from the cute sadness.

Currently playing on the record player: Frank Sinatra "My Way"


  1. I am at a loss for words because most be be over used ones for sure.

    I just laughed the entire time I read that post. Drake in time out- AHHH hysterical!!
