Sunday, November 11, 2012

philly bucket list: valley forge

A couple of weeks ago, our leaves were at their peak fall colors. Well at least, outside of the city. Not sure what it is about the city, but our leaves really don't change colors here. They go from green to brown and falling off. But not too far outside the city, the trees are bright in oranges and yellows! Still nothing like a Michigan fall, but it'll have to do.

We both had the same day off that week and decided to make the most of it and head out to Valley Forge, enjoying the last little taste of fall we'll have for the next few years. Plus, I feel like it's something everyone who lives out here should's a big part of our American history, and it's important to know how we got where we are.


  1. So glad there is a post. I thought I would cry when you said you're blog might be lacking soon, and tada, words and pictures! Valley Forge looks beautiful! Love the old brick house. Very Greenfield Village.

    1. Awww, thanks Em! Didn't realize you enjoyed my blog so much!

  2. So pretty! Did you cut your hair or is it all just pulled back?
