Sunday, September 30, 2012

october 3: lights for lucas

Do you remember my friend Anna? I wrote about her here, while she was in South Africa.
In short, Anna is a dear friend who will always have a special place in my heart. Her son, Lucas, died as an orphan in Uganda. She is an incredible woman and faithful follower of Jesus. Last week, she officially launched The Lucas Legacy. A non-profit she started to raise funds and support for various orphan-related causes, in honor of Lucas. As I've stated before, Anna inspires me. I don't even have the words. I can't even begin to write how highly I think of her and her relentless heart for the orphans of Africa.
October 3rd marks the 3 year anniversary of sweet little Lucas' death. In honor of that, please join me, Anna and countless others in "Lights for Lucas." It's pretty simple: just light a candle on October 3rd and say a prayer for all the orphans around the world waiting for their family. It would be great if you could take a picture of your lit candle as well, and share it on facebook! (First like The Lucas Legacy then tag it in your picture.)

The Lucas Legacy's current project is to raise enough money to provide diapers for Sanyu Babies Home for one year. Sanyu is Uganda's oldest babies home and is also where Lucas spent part of his life. They provide a home for 50 children, 4 and under. Diapers are a basic need for them, a need that would be quite easy for us to meet.
I ask you to please consider donating to or buying something from The Lucas Legacy as a part of "Lights for Lucas" as well, to help provide clean diapers to all the little Lucas' they are caring for. Nothing is too little...even a couple of dollars would help.

1 comment:

  1. Mission accomplished :) Thanks Nan for all the help and for posting about this.
