Saturday, September 14, 2013

learning to surf

Welp, I've check the first thing off my "26 before 26" list. The most fun one on the list!
Last Saturday, Ryan and I headed out bright and early [for us] to Pacific Beach, put on our wet-suits and headed into the water with our surf instructor, Travis. (Who we really really liked and secretly wish we could be friends with him.)
North PB

[Wait. Ryan and I found someone we want to be friends with?! That puts the count at a whopping 3 people for this year. And yet, we remain friendless out here.]

Ryan was a natural. He picked it up pretty quickly and just did his own thing for the most part. I had a bit more trouble with the timing of it, so I stuck around our instructor so that he could tell me when a good wave for me was coming and when to start paddling, etc. But all in all, we both did pretty good. And had a blast doing it. And we didn't have any close encounters with a shark. Successful day in the ocean in my book!

We plan on buying our own boards and wetsuits so we can continue surfing. We might have to buy a new car for this though, because our car is shorter than our surfboards would be. The struggles of moving from a big city to Southern California.

Currently on the record player: Led Zeppelin, Presence


  1. Your surfing expidition could count as two of your "26 before 26" categories...(learn a new skill/take a class) just sayin' could try pickleball as that category...OR...pickleball as "joining a sports league"...thinking you'd like it (hint, hint, hint) :) You could go to that place we tried to go to on Presidents Day by the library.

  2. Being friendless doesn't sound too bad, more time to get to spend with just each other. And now you have family close, which is even better!

    Bravo on surfing! I would be too chicken to try, just like in Hawaii. But you both seem like you could fit the image of a surfer. Not the hang ten kind, but more of an adventurous physically capable kind.
