Monday, September 30, 2013

365: Week 2

2 weeks in and going strong. Haha. What is it "they" say? It take 3 weeks (or 21 days) to form a habit? So I'm 2/3 of the way there, right? Taking a photo a day hasn't been burdensome at all. I've been really enjoying it! I found a website/blog that's all about this project and each month the creator publishes a list of inspiration "prompts" for each day. So I've been looking over those just so I can have ideas in my head for days that there is seemingly nothing for me to shoot. So far I've only had to use one, which you'll see below.

Day 9, 9/22
Drake and his new hamburger toy.
I'm not sure why this one is so "fuzzy" I don't feel like the ISO was extremely high, and it's
obviously fairly well lit. Any hints/tips for me? Maybe it has something to do with the image size?

Day 10, 9/23
I call this one, "Eyes on the Prize" :)
Day 10, 9/23 (I couldn't decide between these two.)
The nanny-child is crawling now! Isn't he just the cutest? I have a pretty wonderful job :)
I got permission from his parents to post pictures of him here

Day 11, 9/24
Baby bed-head

Day 12, 9/25
Mountain view

Day 13, 9/26
Inspiration prompt for the day: "Notes"
My Grandpa's handwritten music

Day 14, 9/27
Doing a bit of re-decorating around here and finally getting
around to using at least 1 of the old windows from our wedding.

Day 15, 9/28
Super exciting Saturday in the Smith household
Okay, what the heck? This picture looks terrible here! But it's crisp and clean on my computer.
I'm convinced it's blogger now making my pictures look fuzzy. Hmmm, gonna have to figure this out.

Day 16, 9/29
We got Drake a trainer this week (notice the collar)!
We're only one session in, but we feel like there's hope for our little pup.

K, so 2 of those pictures were really fuzzy. The rest of them were okay, but still not nearly as good as they look elsewhere. Bummer! Hopefully I can get that fixed soon!

Currently on the record player: The Mamas and The Papas, If You Can Believe Your Eyes and Ears


  1. Awww, poor Drake looks so forlorn in that last picture with his collar. Hope he does well with his training. As you remember, Nicki did well with some of it and not so well with some. Are you taking any request for pictures that we would like to see? I may or may not need to see my good ole' Schwinn :)

  2. Super great post. I always love your eye behind a lens. No advice on making pictures you see clearly, show up clearly in other places. All that stuff is so frustrating!!

    Nanny baby is super cute! He does look like a fun way to spend a day.

    Poor Drake : ( Hope the training goes well.
