Saturday, May 30, 2009


There is a four-year old boy, Abdul, who is at the baby home. He obviously isn't a baby. He was brought here several months ago as a completely abused and destroyed skeleton of himself. He has scars ALL over him and he has eating problems because of the severe abuse he was victim to. He can't eat anything with out vomiting it back up, he can keep a glass of milk down sometimes (Which is obviously more than milk, the kids needs his nutrients!!) He is scheduled to
go to Kenya and hopefully get surgery to solve his eating problems once and for all.

I have fallen completely in love with Abdul. I love to just sit with him in my lap and talk or walk around with him, hand in hand. He is so precious, to me and to God. He goes to school, and comes home during our lunch break. He likes to sit amongst all the volunteers, in his adorable school uniform, sipping his milk and chatting with us. Conversations with Abdul are anything but dull. But our last conversation broke my heart...
Abdul came running up to me during playtime, "Ancy! Ancy! I ate soup and didn't vomit!!!" He was so excited!! (Oh, and he can't say 'Nancy', he calls me 'Ancy')
"Really Abdul?! That's great!!! What kind? How much did you eat?"
"Tomato!! I ate two spoonfuls!!!"
Once I heard that my heart just broke for him and how much he has to suffer because of the abuse he was a victim of.

Those who are praying for my trip, please add this precious boy to your list :)

The picture above is a little blurry, sorry. But that's Abdul and me in the center play area.


  1. Break my heart! That surprises me that he speaks English. Do many there speak it?

  2. English is the national language of Uganda, so it is widely spoken here. However, Luganda is the language that most Ugandans speak to each other.

  3. What a story! How great is it that God took him out of that situation and put him in wototo and how wonderful he has you! I will pray that Abdul gets his surgery and that God will continue to use you where you are needed (which He already has :)
