Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I've made a friend here in Philly. Her fiance is in the same program as Ryan. She's from Michigan as well. We have little dates every week and talk about how miserable we are and how nice it is to have a friend. It's fantastic. She's fantastic.

On a recent date, she mentioned that her and her beau were going to paint pottery and my jaw dropped. I've been wanting to paint pottery for a while now, but the closest place I could find was in Jersey. And there's no way I'm traveling to "dirty-jersey" to paint some dried clay. No way. But I was wrong, cause they found one on the South-East side of the city. She invited Ryan and I to join, so we made it a double date.

I had been talking all week about how I was going to paint an owl, so I lucked out when I found this little guy:

Ryan painted a hedgehog because it was inexpensive. Haha. What can we say? We're poor newlyweds!

And look how cute they turned out! (Well, pre-kilnage. I just made that word up.)


  1. Yay! Im so glad you made a friend. You guys should try to focus on talking about the things you actually enjoy about philly instead of how misrable you are. But, your owl and hedgehog are so cute!

  2. Hahaha. We are liking Philly much better now that it's warmer out and we have a little bit of spending money, cause we can actually DO STUFF. So, things are looking up in these parts.

  3. You make me laugh! I can just hear Ryan -"I'll do the hedgehog cuz it is the cheapest". Soooo glad you made a FRIEND!

  4. Yeah for a friend and warmer weather and money!

    We just did a family night at the pottery place by us. Brooklyn whined the whole time. Ernie didn't do anything. But Seraya and I had a blast! I made a super cute (expensive) coffee mug.
