Friday, February 17, 2012

sseko love

I started this blog to keep family and friends updated during my couple of months in Uganda in 2009.
[2009?! That can't be right. But it is. Oh my...]

Nowadays, you'll notice the overall feel of my blog has changed significantly.
This is 100% on purpose. Not because my heart no longer beats for Uganda. No, no, no, that is not it at all. It's just that I kind of...have to ignore it. When I write about Uganda, read about Uganda, look back at my pictures of the babies I left behind, I get severely depressed and bitter. It's not healthy. It's not fair to my husband. It makes me lose faith. I try really hard to put Uganda on the back burner. I know that sounds terrible.
But for right now? It's what I have found works best. I once heard a sermon about what happens when God's plan for you is to just wait, which I remind myself of often. Right now, I'm just supposed to be patient and wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Ugh, I hate the waiting. And right now? God has me here. In Philadelphia. Supporting a husband whose following his dreams. Watching little babies who have mommies and daddies. It's not at all where I would have myself, but I know it's what is needed now. So to be the best I can be in the here and now, I just have to tell my heart to not focus on Uganda. On what I'm missing.

Annnnnyways, all that to say, I've broken my own rule.
I'm going to kind of speak about my love, my home, my Uganda.
Only for a short bit. And really, only kind of.
It's not something that is going to pull at my heart. And make me a terrible wife and friend for the next month. I'm still in guarding mode.

So for our wedding, my bridesmaids and I wore shoes from Sseko Designs.
They are a company in Uganda who employ young women to make sandals in order to earn money for schooling. They're awesome.

And now in addition to their sandals and inter-changeable straps...they're selling clutches!
Oh my!
LOVE them!

Oh, what was that? You want to buy me one? Okay, if you insist.

And while I'm at it...let me share this photo with you.
I'm not 100% sure this allowed by Watoto, but I think their sponsorship photos are public so I'm pretty sure it's okay. Also, I have maybe 13 people reading this. So I'm really sure it's okay.

This is my little girl, Phoebe, now. Ryan and I got our updated photo for this year and I love it.
Remember Phoebe? You can see her during my time in Uganda here, here, and here.
I love her missing teeth and scrunched up little nose. Isn't she the cutest?
I love that even from across the world, I can still be a small part of her life and watch her grow year by year. I love that Watoto brings hope to the hopeless.

You can sponsor a kid too, you know ;)
Watoto is an awesome organization to do it through. And it's not even that expensive. If Ryan and I can swing it and then some, you can too. So go save a life.


  1. You make your posts so easy to read and see all the stuff your talking about by putting in those links. I enjoyed going back and seeing Phoebe from your previous posts. Little bit of scripture to help you wait....I was reading in Habakkuk yesterday and saw this nugget for you. God told Habakkuk in Habakkuk 2:2-3 "Write the vision and make it plain on tablets...though it tarries, wait for it". God will bless you in your waiting. I LOVE YOU!!

  2. Oh yes, how many times we are tried through waiting! So hard.

    Love the new pic. What a sweetie pie girl.
