Monday, April 18, 2011

favorite outfit

This is my new favorite outfit.
I rocked it out a couple of weeks when our weather peaked at 78 freaking degrees. I was actually hot and probably should have ditched the tights. I guess I'm just a skeptic at heart and thought there was no way I could pull off a tee shirt and cotton skirt in the middle of April. But oh hey, I did. And I was sweating like it was my job. (Hey, can I get paid for that? Cause if deodorant is out the window. Okay, too far. I know.)

 You know why I love this outfit so much? Cause it mixes together like all my favorite things.

Cowboy boots.

 Patterned tights.

Easy breezy [high-waisted] skirt

Little bow details

I mean...clearly, what's not to love?