Thursday, April 14, 2011

silly things

silly thing #1
Today I got a call from a number I didn't recognize. They left a voicemail.
"Hi Mom. It's me. I'm not sure what's going on with your voicemail message, because it was not your voice OR your name! me back!"
Hi girl. You're are incredibly stupid.
I'm tempted to call back and leave a message that's like, "Hi Ryan! It's me! It's so weird, because you're voicemail message was not your voice, or your name. It's almost like I called the wrong number and am too dense to realize that after hearing some stranger on the voicemail message. me back!"

silly thing #2
Everyone mistakes me for a mormon. I can't tell you how many times people have asked me if I'm mormon. Not like my entire life, just here in Philly.
I had an old Greek woman tell me numerous facts about Utah. I just pulled the whole "smile-and-nod" maneuver. Then a woman says to me, "She thinks you're from Utah because your Mormon." And then someone saw me drinking coffee and they're like, "Wait. You drink coffee? I thought you were Mormon." And the stories go on and on and on.
Yesterday Ryan had a meeting with his advisor.
You know what she asked him?
"Are you Mormon?"
I guess we just give off that vibe.

silly thing #3
Ryan and I like to make little bets every once in a while. Ha. That's a joke. We make bets all the freakin' time. Mostly because I'm always right and he never believes me. That's where the bets stem from.
Anyways, last week, Ryan bet me in his sleep. It was awesome. Not only because it was extremely funny, but I also got $5 from the deal. Here's how the bet went down...
Ryan: There are dogs everywhere in here. There are so many under the bed.
Nancy: No there aren't. Go back to sleep.
Nancy: Yes. Yes I do.
Ryan: $5. [Checks under the bed] Dang-it! I owe you $5.
Nancy: I know.

silly thing #4
I caught our taco shells on fire tonight. I also learned that I am not very good in emergency situations. Especially when fire is involved.


  1. Ohhh nancy. You are too funny. You had me laughing out loud here. :) Especially on the silly thing about Ryan and the dogs.

    Thanks for making me laugh. I hope you are doing well!

  2. I would NEVER make a bet during one of my dreams. I would lose everytime. Glad nothing got to out of control with the fire. That would NOT be a funny, silly thing.

