Saturday, April 2, 2011

what we did in philly

Finding a good fabric store in Philly has proven to be much more difficult than I had expected. I found some stores where I could purchase fabric, but nothing that I really liked. Everything was plain or just really boring. Very few patterns. And then Julie and I found a store that at least carried some patterned fabric and I liked plenty of them. But it still is 2 bus rides away. So when a girl in our small group mentioned a fabric and yarn store (well stores. I know that doesn't make sense, but really it's 2 stores. But it's actually kind of only 1 store.) that was only a mile away from us, I knew I had to check it out.

Turns out...
I love it.
And I'm determined to work there.

Blog my dream come true.
Blog readers, this is Spool.

Spool and Loop are separate stores, but they are owned by the same people and it's kind of like a nice little partnership between the two. Which is why I say it's 2 stores. But 1 store. But really 2 stores.
Spool has a fantastic selection of fabrics. Not just any fabrics though. Like really really cool fabrics. And I realize I sound like a 10 year old being like, "COOL!" but there is no other way for me to describe their collection. I just loved everything in that store.

AND PLUS they have sewing classes! You can sign up for a class based on the final product you want to make. So they have a-line skirts or wrap dresses, etc. And I could totally teach some of those classes.
[Keeping my fingers crossed that one day I will.]

Oh, and it's in such a cute area of town. We had fun just walking around.

Look what I found, Julie!
Later that evening, we headed back out on the town to our favorite ice cream shop, Scoop DeVille. It's kind of like a Coldstone Creamery, but I like it way better.
I know I'm really good at taking pictures. You don't have to tell me.
 They mix together the ice creams/toppings you want into a soft-serve consistency. Or you can choose from their extensive menu of mixtures they recommend. Which is what we do. Ryan got Snicker Doodle Dough and I got something that I can't remember the name of. But it had chocolate ice cream and caramel and marshmellow goo and everything else that's good. It was fantastic.

And that's what we did in Philly!


  1. I can see you working there Nan, I hope that dream comes true!

  2. you will work there Nan. :) Hehe, I'll pray for that. Have you applied yet?

  3. I think there is a fabric store in Chestnut Hill. I could almost swear I saw them there. I love your enthusiasm! I hope you can teach a class soon!
