Wednesday, June 13, 2012

cute stuff i've been looking at

Ryan and I always laugh when one of us is wasting time on the computer and the other asks, "What areya doin'?"
Cause the answer always sounds ridiculous.

Ryan answers stuff like, "Reading this blog about a guy who has 400 bikes."
And I think, "That's dumb."

I answer something like, "Looking at this picture of a little baby bun-bun [bunnie] sitting on a giant dog's head on 'Cute Overload'."
And he thinks, "That's dumb."

But we all know that Ryan's choice activity for wasting time on the internet is dumb, and mine is awesome. So, I've decided to share with you the recent cuteness I've found on the interwebs, so that you can share in my "squeeeeee"-ing and have your heart melted by the adorableness that exists in this world.

First. "Hamlet the mini-pig goes down the stairs."
This is my most favorite. He just loves his oatmeal so much!!
I want a micro-pig and I want him now. I will name him fiddlesticks and he and Drake will be best friends. And then I can upload movies and pictures of them and everyone else in the world will wish they were me.

Second. This dreaming hamster.

Third. This picture of a fluffy little baby bun-bun.

Fourth. Everything you see here.

Fifth (although I doubt anyone is still here because that last one probably killed you. I die of the cuteness) this dog that loves to jam.

Sixth. I lied. This is my most favorite.
This video of this little pup's day. How much more stinkin' cute can it get?! He reminds me of Drake, and this makes me want a video of him so bad!  Honestly, video like this of Drake? Best present ever. (Don't worry, Ryan already knows.)


  1. ah hahahah these are great! that pig is seriously the silliest thing ever. i wonder if he always is that noisy. what a great little guy.

  2. Favorite post thus far! I loved the piggie. I love animal noises. The sound is probably the best part.

    My favorite was going to be the dog that jammed, how cool is that! But the last dog video, beat the others out by far. That is so adorable. Some people are just lucky with their creativeness gene. I can do things like that, but I can only copy someone elses idea.
