Thursday, February 10, 2011

SEPTA. stinkin' stinkin' SEPTA.

I'm trying to push through this "uninspired lull" that I am having. But I'm kind of in a "sick of everyone" type of mood. And this puppy is frustrating me beyond belief, and then he just stares with these adorably pitiful puppy dog eyes and you can't help but fall in love with him all over again.

Annnnyways, a recent experience has left me with the feeling that I need to rant. Just get some stuff off my chest, and out into the internet world.

Super Expensive and Prone to Traffic Accidents.
Sorriest Excuse for Public Transportation in America.
Not to be confused with septic, however they are very similar.
Okay, okay, SEPTA actually means South Eastern Pennslyvania Transit Authority. It's the way we get around out here in Philly. The trains. The buses. The subway. You know.

Let me just flat out say [in case you didn't it get it from my "other meanings"] that SEPTA sucks. Like really, really, really sucks. The buses and subways/subway stations stank. Like "ohmygosh, I'm going to die because not only have I been holding my breath for 2 minutes now but the smell is still seeping into my mouth and lungs." It is nassstay. I honestly feel like I'm traveling through the city in this
Why yes, this IS the most disgusting bathroom ever.
And then I get home and have to change my clothes almost immediately because they smell so nasty.

Also, SEPTA is practically always late. Like always, always, always. Oh, unless YOU are running 30 seconds late, then they are early. Like that one time Ryan and I left the house 1 MINUTE later than usual for church, and we missed our bus. The bus that we normally have to wait at least 6 minutes for. Sheeeesh.

So, I kinda hated SEPTA from the get-go just because I was spoiled with TheRapid in Grand Rapids. Not only is that the. best. bus. system. ever. with the sweetest drivers you can imagine but BONUS, I got to ride FO FREE! Thank you, Grand Valley State University. And you better believe I took advantage of those free rides. I actually won an iPod my junior year at GVSU for "the most rides saved" utilizing The Rapid. Go me. [P.S. That was like, the best day ever. I still talk about it all too often.] So yes. I was spoiled. Major spoiled.

But I still wanted to give SEPTA a fair shot. And they were doing eh...okaaay UNTIL the Philadelphia Marathon. Even typing that made my blood pressure spike. I'm not going to go into the whole story, but I will say that I checked SEPTA's website to be absolutely, positively 100% sure that the route we needed was still running. On top of that, before getting on the bus we asked the bus driver if he was going to be stopping at the stop we needed. Oh, suprise! Turns out no one knew what was going on and we ended up going in circles on this bus for over 3 hours out in the burbs. It was the pits. Like stinky armpits. Ew. SEPTA.

So onto my most recent grievance.
Last night, I needed to head out to Narbeth for a meeting with small group leaders and hosts. (Oh, Ryan and I are hosting a small group this semester at our apartment.) I look up what bus I need to take to get there, plan to be walking for a while on top of that, still leave myself 15 minutes of extra time AND an extra SEPTA token, just in case. [You never know when you're going to get stranded by SEPTA.] So I head on down to my bus stop, hop on the 44 and I'm on my way.
15 minutes go by.
25 minutes go by.
30 minutes go by.
An older lady comes up to me and says, "You don't mean to tell me I missed my stop!" And I looked at her, and I was like, "Uh. I have no idea where we are." She continues to walk to the front and talks to the bus driver; she finds out she got on the wrong bus. "Aww, poor lady," I think to myself.
45 minutes go by.
I'm about to be late to my meeting.
"Rock Valley will be the last stop. Thank you for riding SEPTA." comes out through the speakers.
The old lady looks at me. "I think I'm on the wrong bus as well," I say to her. She laughs, and laughs and laughs. "You were sitting there so quiet! Here I thought you were just being mean to me, but really we both were so lost!"
The bus driver informs us that there are 3 different "Route 44" routes, we both happened to get on the wrong one.

Did you hear that?
Who the heck does that?! OF COURSE, you are going to get people on the wrong bus...all the time! Especially when two of those three routes stop at the same stop!
Hey SEPTA, I have an idea! Name all your routes by the exact same number, and see how many confused customers you get. Fun game, right? Yeah, thought so, ya jerks.

So I just rode the bus back home to Center City, and sent yet another email to some of the church members apologizing for my SEPTA misfortunes.

At least I had that old lady on the bus with me, she was a crack up!

And SEPTA? I wish I could dump you. This relationship clearly isn't working. However, you are my only option. And I think you know that. Which is why you keep screwing with me, cause you know I have no where else to turn to. Suckers.


  1. OHHHHHHHH man. I hate SEPTA and I have never even rode a SEPTA. I feel for you, Nanc.

  2. Oh, oh, OOOOOOh! That is stinkin awful. : (

  3. Ha ha ha. I am not laughing at your woes, but they are woefully pretty (I don't know what I mean by that; I just know that I emailed my friend Hillary this morning who insisted we both use that phrase at least once today), and all I really wanted to say was this made me laugh, and you are funny, and actually I feel really bad for you, but I love you and this made me miss you and okay the end.
