Monday, February 28, 2011

dog coat

I've been working on a green blouse lately. But I've taken several week-long breaks because I get to a point where I know I'm gonna get frustrated and I need to just slow down, take my time, and enjoy making this shirt. So...during this last break I made a coat for Drake. Now before you all start judging me, let me say a couple of things:
1. I will not and do not make our dog wear clothes. He just gets cold, so when it's really cold outside he wears a little jacket and that is all.
2. I refuse to waste money on animals. People who buy like organic dog food, made from 100% filet mignon and fresh vegetables are crazy ridiculous. So this jacket I made...I made it from left over fleece (from a project from 6 years ago...have I ever mentioned I practically save everything?) and a skirt that I bought at Salvation Army on half off day for $2.50.

Please ignore the brown fuzz on our carpet, Drake likes to rip his bed apart and our vacuum doesn't pick it up very well. When you're limited to "vacuuming" your carpet by hand, it happens a lot less often.

I'm fairly pleased with how it turned out.
It's not perfect; there are some obvious flaws. And I would have like to have used a different color velcro, but that's what I had, so whatever.  It's good enough for us.


  1. good job nance! i'm so jealous - i wish i had a sweing machine!!! drake is the cutest! post more pics of him. louie can't wait to meet his new cousin friend.

  2. That is adorable!!! Agreed; it is much better made from leftovers than spending a mini fortune on one.

  3. best dressed dog in Philly! nice job-nana will be so proud!

  4. Is this your dog - he looks just like my dog (Mix MinPin,Plott Hound) What kind of dog is your? (
