Sunday, February 13, 2011

talent. oh and give me some money please.

I was blog-creepin' last night. And thankfully I happened upon a blog that introduced me to "The Civil Wars."
Blog, meet one of the most talented musical duos I've ever heard.

The Civil Wars - Forget me not from Green Block on Vimeo.

I know claiming them as one of the most talented musical duos I've ever heard is a bit extreme. But seriously, did you just watch that video? That was just the two of them, with a guitar, strolling down the street and it sounded INCREDIBLE. A lot of people who are famous today for music, only happened upon that fame by chance; they have so little talent. Case in point: Ke$ha. Oh goodness, don't even get me started on the ridiculousness that is K-E-Money sign-Ha (shout out to Jenna for teaching me the best way to say Ke$ha's name)

The Civil Wars have a show in Philly this upcoming week. I was jazzed about it, because I don't typically "do" concerts. I told Ryan I would see Elton John in concert. And Owl City. Possibly Paramore. And that's about it. Last night I added these guys to my limited and oh-so-exclusive list. So I was bummed to find out tickets to the show were $20 per person. Which leads me to the point of this post... (not really, unless you are going to..then yes, this is the point of my post.)
Who wants to gift $40 to Ryan and I to go to the concert? Anyone, anyone? No? Thought so, it's okay. Ryan is gonna be spending the entire day/evening studying anyways.

Speaking of talented, (I like to pretend that I know how to relate this random tidbit of my life into this post, even though it has no business being here) I watched the most brilliant kid in the "nursery" today. He's 2 years old and he was reading, and writing, and spelling was craziness. While all the other kiddos were sticking crayons in play-doh, he was working on his letters because he got bored. He looks up and says, "How do you spell 'clock'? Oh yes, C-L-O-C..." His next learning goal? Chinese.


  1. Oooohhhh...that was a good group Nan. Dad really liked them. He said their harmonies were great. You might have to start doing some stuff like concerts on your own if you want to do them. I know NEVER as good as going with Ryan but if it's something you really want to do and he needs to study you just go it alone. I know sounds really selfish and it would be hard to do but if it makes you happy it would probably make Ryan happy too. (and then you would only spend $20 instead of $40). Total craziness about the 2 year old reading!!! Kinda (but not really) like you potty training yourself at 17 months old!!! That was crazy too. Love you, mom

  2. I'm never sure about those kids. No kid is really that genius, right? His Mom must spend ridiculous amounts of time making him do it. I almost feel guilty-ish when I teach my kids something. Isn't striving after God given talent and character more important than pushing towards academics? What do I know, quite possibly God did give him that genius talent and he's going to be the next super genius that cures cancer or something.

    I agree with Mom. Just go to the concert on your own. But then possibly you'd have to ride that stinkin bus by yourself at night. Too bad Julie won't be there at that time, you could have gone together.

  3. I love the civil wars!!! I wish you could go to the show! I'm sure they would be amazing! :)
