Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Oh, and also, I have a story for you.
One time, Ryan and I got our pictures taken by the FABULOUS Bryan and Mae. And then those two took pictures of Tieka and Brett. And because of that post, I started following Tieka's super awesome style/fashion blog. And then one day, I entered a giveaway on her blog to shop ruche, an online clothing store which basically rocks my face off. AND THEN TONIGHT, as I was reading the latest post, I noticed a little picture of me at the bottom. I thought to myself, "Hey. That's me. ... Wait a second, THAT'S ME!"

Check it out over at Selective Potential.

Turns out I WON!!! I'm so excited!!!

On another note [but kind of the same note, just a different story]...about 3 or 4 years ago, I won an ipod through a contest at school that I didn't realize was a contest or that the prize was an ipod. AND I FREAKED OUT. And every once in a while I remember how AWESOME that was, and I say to Ryan, "Remember when I won an ipod? That day rocked." And now I'll be able to say, "Remember when I won that $50 to shop ruche? That day rocked!!" Hopefully this little high will last me 3 or 4 years as well :)


  1. How fun!!! Way to go. I will forever remember getting my phone call from Coopers Jewelry informing me of my $1000 win. Every time I put on my diamond earrings I think about it. So yay for you. Can I scan the website and help you pick something out?

  2. BOMB D...and I'm totally jealous because I never win anything. Except that tent that I won when I was (LINDSAY SANNES) SEVEN for guessing the right number of jelly beans in that jar at VBS. But that was lame because you can't even fit an actual human being in that tent. Anyway...don't even bother scanning the millions of amazing things on that website because I already picked the best items for $50 ish...


  3. Here are my picks staying within your price range. I think the first one was out of stock in the small size. Actually a lot of the stuff I liked was out of stock in the smaller sizes. These will seem like odd choices coming from me but I liked them for some reason. I did hear on some show today that lace was coming back in which is why I picked the trapeze dress.

  4. Awesome!! I really should enter more stuff on blogs. It's amazing how much free stuff is given away just from people having really popular blogs. Have fun shopping!

  5. Good picks, mom! I love the "it began with a bow belt" and "melange cafe polka dot dress"
