Monday, January 24, 2011


I sit at home all day. And a lot of times, most of the day is filled with Netflix. Instantly streamed netflix was the. best. idea. ever.
For a while, I was watching a lot of documentaries. And since I am so nice, I made a short list of my top three documentaries. These three documentaries are ones that you must watch.  No three movies have ever made me cry more. I truly believe they are films that everyone should see. So get on it.

3. The Cove

This follows Ric Barry (the trainer for Flipper) as he tries to capture footage of the killing of thousands of dolphins, which occurs every year in Taiji, Japan. The movie was really moving. It was sad, but like I said in my post about Greenpeace...they ARE still animals, so even though I was moved, it wasn't enough to get me to send them a $100 check or anything. BUT, it was enough to get me to vow to never go to Sea World or swim with dolphins again.
The thing I liked most about this movie was Ric Barry. I loved that he was DOING SOMETHING. He saw injustice in the world, and he went to work. Way to go, Ric Barry.

2. Born into Brothels
This documentary follows several children who live in the red light district in Calcutta, India. A woman went there initially to photograph the lives of the women, but got sucked in by the adorable and unfortunate children living there. She gave them all cameras, film and photography lessons and let them capture their day-to-day lives.

This film was much harder to watch than "The Cove" because, these are children. People. And they have so little hope to do anything or go anywhere in life. At one point, one of the little girls says, "I keep thinking if I could go someplace and get an education, I wonder what I would become..."
It's truly heartbreaking. And so many people don't even know that there are children living their lives like this all over the world.

Yet at the same time, it is inspiring. Because the woman who helped them wasn't in anyway "qualified" to do so. Like she said in the trailer, "I'm not a social worker, I'm not a teacher..." and yet she was able to give those children exactly what they needed. Hope for a better future. Love.The impossible mission to help these children was made possible. God can use us in so many ways, all we need to do is to be willing.

And the number 1 documentary that you must watch....
1. War Dance
This film really hits home with me because it follows refugee camp children from the war-torn Northern Uganda. They are attempting to not only make it to, but to win the National Music Competition. Just like the others, it is hard to watch at points. But like one little boy says, "...if we don't tell you [our stories], you won't know."

It is the perfect example of taking something horrific and turning it into beauty. Of not losing heart. I love this movie. I have already seen it 3 times, and I'm sure I'll be watching it again soon. It is heart-wrenching, yet so so beautiful.
I love it.
I love it.
I love it.
And you must watch it.

1 comment:

  1. Nan! I saw Born into Brothels as well. oh my goodness....oh my goodness... I just cried. we watched it in my photography class. that class made me cry more than once...but this time was for a good reason ;)
