Wednesday, January 12, 2011

girls night

For all of you who have told me that I need to make friends, this post is for you. Now you can leave me alone. And don't be all, "I told you so. You needed friends." Because I still stand strong on my statement that I. don't. want. friends. here.

Moving on.
A couple of Ryan's classmates hosted a girls night on Saturday. They included me, a fiance of and a girlfriend of guys who are in the program (so nice of them!) We had a wine and cheese night. We talked and talked, for hours! Girls will be girls, right?

We also played this game called "Never have I ever" or "10 fingers" or something. I had never played before. Everyone starts out with 10 fingers up, and you go around the circle and each person says something that they have never done. If anyone in the circle HAS done that thing they said, they must put a finger down. The point of the game, besides getting to know people better than you would in a regular conversation, is to be the last one with fingers still up. Obviously, this game does a great job at showcasing who the "badder" ones and the innocent ones of the group are. I knew that me and a girl named Ashley would be the last ones in the game, because we are both so innocent and naive. I just knew it.

Oh, but guess what?
I lost.

I lost the game.
I was the first one out. The ultimate loser.
I couldn't believe it! I kept being like, "No guys, really, I don't understand how I lost this game! I'm so innocent!"

But I'm pretty sure everyone was out to get me. You see, normally people say "naughty" things, sinful things, that they haven't done. Like "Never have I ever done drugs." Apparently, our game wasn't a normal game though. I lost to things like, having a piercing other than my ears, broken a bone, getting a speeding ticket and...get this...being married.
See? Told you they had it out for me.


  1. I love that you are posting so many pictures now that you have your camera and writing on your blog so much. I also love seeing your smiling face with all those girls. Funny on the game. I hate going home the "loser". You know me and any game!!! love you, mom

  2. oh i always lose at that game too... don't feel bad nancy. us innocent ones really are the winners. :)
