Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

I had an idea one day for a twist on New Year's resolutions. Ryan and I would make a list for each other. Those lists wouldn't be "required" to be followed in the new year, but we could use that list to inspire things on our own list of resolutions. So I made a list of 10 things that I thought Ryan could improve on (but actually it turned into 11, haha) and he made a list of 10 for me.
My list for Ryan included things like: eat breakfast, leave my stuff alone (he has a nasty habit of tucking my stuff away into obscure places and then I can never find what I'm looking for!), clean out the stuff you don't wear from your closet, give me genuine compliments...

Ryan's list for me included: make a friend (haha, Philly's been good to me), make more choices, ask him for help more, have craft time...

The list I made for myself was as follows:
[I'm putting this on here because I know that by having it "out there" in the world, I'll hold myself more accountable]
1. Be a better wife
    -Be patient, encouraging and supportive
    - Ask for help, make a chore list
    - Make some of the decisions
2. Don't be in sweats all day (my fumpiness was getting to me, as you read a few posts ago)
3. Be more social (I halfheartedly put this on my list, because I'm still not really wanting to have friends out here)
4. Make an effort to be happy
5. Do laundry once a week and put it away right away
6. Keep the house clean
7. Have a more regular schedule for devotions
8. Have "craft time"
9. Less dessert (This was really halfheartedly added to my list. And let's be serious, it might only last a week. And by that, I mean I had Oreos last night.)
10. Have a better sleep schedule

We thoroughly enjoyed doing this. I think it was a great exercise for our marriage, cause a lot of times we're afraid to really voice how we're feeling or what we think the other person should do. Or we voice it, but it doesn't really do much to encourage one another. This way was more constructive, positive and actually a lot of fun. We've stuck our lists to the 'fridge', so we look at them numerous times during the day. It's a nice reminder to consciously try to grow ourselves. We're both so excited to see what this new year will hold for us!

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