Saturday, January 22, 2011

you capture: circles

I haven't been doing You Capture lately. I'm not sure why. I guess I just wasn't inspired by the themes or my surroundings. This week's You Capture theme was "circles" and I knew I just had to participate this week. How fun is that? I thoroughly enjoyed capturing this week :)
#1 Coins in the coin jar
#2 A new fruit to try...a pomelo

#3 The pomelo after being peeled and de-pulped, which was quite the task!
#4 A few of my Grandpa's piano rolls
#5 Pretty new thread
#6 Ryan's birthday treat: chocolate chip cookie sandwiches with homemade vanilla ice cream [Why yes, as a matter of fact, I DO eat my weight in sugar every week.]

#7 Eyelets on Ryan's new shoes



  1. great circles!
    ps. I've never heard of a pomelo. yummy?

  2. I finally checked out You Capture last week for the first time, but I havne't done it, nothing new.

    Pomelo- disappoint right? I bought one once thinking I was getting this ginormous citrus delight, only to open it and find it was the size of a clementine. Yours looks larger though- did you enjoy?

    So jealous of your sugar gluttony. I remember those days. I put on 10 lbs my first year of marriage, but it didn't bother me so much then as it would now.

  3. The pomelo was really good!! Not a disappointment but definitely a lot of work before you can eat it. It's like a grapefruit, but milder. And a little bit sweeter (just a little bit) I checked online how to eat one, so I went through the whole process of peeling it and such, but in the future I think it would taste just as good to just cut it in half and scoop the sections out with a spoon, just like a grapefruit.

    By now, I really should have gained like 15 lbs, but I haven't! I think not having a car helps because we have to walk everywhere.

  4. Cool shots! I am impressed with what everyone came up with. So many things I never even thought of! Nicely done.

  5. nice new red shoes for Ryan :)
