Monday, January 10, 2011

why i will never ever give anything to greenpeace

People make me angry sometimes. Most of the time, it's when I'm watching Prison Break and yet another scum bag has taken advantage of Michael/Sarah/Lincoln/Sucre. And then I'm real angry.

But seriously, sometimes in the real world, people make me angry.

A while ago, when I was out on the town, I was approached by a man who was working for Greenpeace.
He yells out as he sees me walking towards him, "Now there's someone who loves orangutans!" I'm laughed. Obviously. I mean, that's a ridiculous thing to yell at someone. Not only that, but I couldn't care less about orangutans. Plus, they're pretty ugly.
Here's how the rest of our conversation went:
Greenpeace (GP) man: Do you have a minute to talk?
Me: If you're going to ask me for money, no.
GP man (clearly ignoring what I had said): Did you know that hundreds of orangutans are being killed every minute? [He went on to explain how fast food restaurants are cutting down forests for their own benefit, and in turn is killing a lot of orangutans, or something]
Me: Okay. That's sad.
GP man: You can do something about this! For only $35 a month, a donation made through Greenpeace, you can help save these orangutuans!
Me: Yeah, well, my husband and I sponsor a child for that much a month, and that's as much stretching as we can afford in our tight budget.
GP man: A child?
Me: Yeah.
GP man: What about the orangutans? A child is not orangutans. A child is not the environment.
Me: Exactly.

At that point I just walked away. Because that was one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard.
This man was seriously placing the value of an orangutan's life over "my" little Phoebe's! Or any child for that matter!

Stuff like that just irks me. Like those stupid save the puppies Sarah McLachlan commericals. Yes, I understand that lots of animals are abused everyday. Yes, that is sad. Yes, that is unnecessary and cruel. But NO, that is NOT more important than the tiny child who was abandoned and left for dead. That is not more important than the village that has no access to clean water. That is not more important than the family who hasn't eaten a real meal in weeks.
Don't people who donate their money to all this environment and save the animals crap realize how much more there money could be doing? How many lives they could be changing? I just want to shake people up sometimes and be like, "HELLO! DO YOU EVEN REALIZE WHAT IS GOING ON IN THIS WORLD?!"

Especially those stupid Greenpeace people.


  1. I agree pooks, but I will always stop and talk to them so be prepared...

  2. Nancy! I am so glad you wrote this. I get so mad when people make comments about how unjust it is that some animal is being killed and how it's such an atrocity but they don't care if babies are killed or real people are mistreated/dying/starving/forgotten because people are too worried about animals. It all makes my blood boil, as Linda would say.

    Ryan, you should point out all their flaws when you talk to them!

  3. Ah yes. I've had this thought. even about myself. I who hate my cat, who wants my cat living else where, spent money on my cats teeth. Lots of money that could have given lots of wonderful things to children. I guess that's a little different. But still. Arg. Stupid animals.
